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2024 Swim Team Costs

There are two different fees to participate in our swim program:

  1. Pool membership fees, which are handled by the Village of Lake Park. See Village of Lake Park Website for details
  2. Swim Team fees, (this covers coaches, swimmer cap, swimmer Team T-shirt, participation in Greater Charlotte Swim League, race ribbons, and lifeguards)  handled by the Lake Park Swim Booster Club Board, are:
    1. First swimmer - $95.00
    2. Second swimmer - $90.00
    3. Third swimmer - $35.00
    4. Additional swimmers - $20.00/each
  3. Lake Park Piranhas swimsuit - This is separate purchase through our Swim Outlet Team Store
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202 Piranhas Swimsuit!

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2024 Sponsors Needed

We work very hard to keep swim team fees under $100 a swimmer, and we are a non-profit organization.  This is only possible because of our amazing sponsors. For information on sponsorship please see our docs and forms page. 

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